
Monadnock United Way launches its eighth annual GivingTuesday campaign on November 28 with a very generous $10,000 challenge match!

Thanks to the generosity of


Guyer and Son Logo



John and Jean Hoffman

every gift will be matched dollar for dollar, up to $10,000!

And you can help us get there!

GivingTuesday kicks off the giving season each year on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, inspiring people to give, help their neighbors, and collaborate to improve their local communities.

On GivingTuesday people all around the world come together to tap into the power of human connection to strengthen communities and change our world. Will you be one of them? Make your gift on November 28 and you can double your impact and help MUW raise $20,000 in one day! Click to make your donation or text GT2023 to 71777.

Post about your support for MUW on GivingTuesday on your social media pages and tag @MonadnockUnitedWay. For social media post ideas, click here.