Education is a cornerstone for success in school, work and life. It also benefits the whole community: high school graduates have higher earning potential, contribute more to their local economies, are more engaged in their communities, and are more likely to raise kids who also graduate on time.
Monadnock United Way makes sure children and youth can start school ready to succeed, become proficient readers at a young age, stay on track in middle school, earn their high school diploma, and are ready to pursue meaningful opportunities after high school.
Click here to Learn about the Child Care Expansion Project designed to to expand the training and employment pipelines for early childhood education and care, in order to provide more accessible high-quality birth-to-five years old childcare for families in the Monadnock Region (Cheshire County and western Hillsborough County in New Hampshire.)
Monadnock community members receive an education that enables them to achieve their fullest potential.
A solid educational foundation leads to a promising and productive future.
- Children are ready to learn by the time they enter school
- Students are proficient in fundamental areas of learning, including social-emotional skills
- Community members are prepared to pursue meaningful opportunities after high school
How will we make this happen?
- Address basic needs that support educational success
- Support educational institutions to identify at-risk students
- Connect at-risk students to high quality, appropriate and coordinated supports and services
- Assist with significant educational transitions
- Connect educational institutions, families and communities
Funded Partner Programs |
Grant Funded |
Community Building Initiatives |
Advocacy |
Early Childhood Supports in Rural NH Libraries** |
Community Awareness Building |
* Impact Monadnock (IM) ** Early Childhood Region 1 (ECR1) *** Childcare Expansion Grant (CCE) This program is funded through the U.S. Department of Education Congressionally Funded Community Projects with Keene State College and MUW.
Give: All contributions made to MUW stay local. Click here to learn about the different ways you can give.
Advocate: There are numerous ways to advocate for issues related to education. Visit our advocacy page to learn how to stay informed, speak out and engage your community.
Volunteer: The strategies proven to work are those that connect communities to their schools, such as parent involvement, literacy volunteers in the classroom, mentors for disadvantaged students and business leaders engaged in early childhood advocacy. Volunteer to help.