Leadership Giving Society

man and woman smilingMonadnock United Way's Leadership Giving Society members come together as one to create opportunities for children, education, and financial stability.


Gifts of $500 or more annually

At the heart of every worthwhile effort to help others resides a group of people who are caring, generous, and passionate community-minded investors. We are thankful to those individuals who donate $500 or more each year; they are part of our Leadership Giving Society, the foundation of the Monadnock United Way’s success. These are the leaders who have helped blaze the trail for others in our community to follow.  Are you ready to pave the way for real change in our community? Become a game-changer today by making your donation of $500 or more to Monadnock United Way.


Members of all Leadership Giving Societies are recognized in our Annual Report.

Tocqueville  Society Logo
Gifts of $10,000 or more annually 
United Way’s Tocqueville Society was named as a tribute to Alexis de Tocqueville, a 19th century French diplomat who admired and wrote about the unique spirit of volunteerism he observed in America. The Tocqueville Society honors and recognizes the philanthropic leadership of individuals and couples who have a deep commitment to this region. They believe in our mission to strengthen our community through support of our children, education and financial stability. Tocqueville Society members are deeply committed to making a difference in the Monadnock region and express this through their extraordinary support of and generosity to Monadnock United Way with gifts of $10,000 or more annually.

The current members are:

Anonymous (3)
Bill & Kathy Baldasaro
Rick & Jan Cohen
Gehlbach Family Fund
Kathleen & Mark Gross (I)
Peter & Bridget Hansel
Kris & Dick Hill
John & Jean Hoffman
Bob & Margie Palmer
Jim & Judy Putnam


Tocqueville Society members benefit from:
  • Joining a local and national group of major leaders who are providing today's philanthropic leadership locally/nationally and improving the quality of life.
  • Giving through a quality organization to ensure dollars are spent efficiently and where it will have the most impact.
  • Working and meeting with the community's business and civic leaders to make the social infrastructure of today and build the future of tomorrow.


All members of the Tocqueville Society are recognized on Monadnock United Way’s website and at major events. Members also may be listed in the National Tocqueville Leadership Recognition Book.
  • Special recognition is given to those members who give $100,000 or more to their local United Way by becoming members of the National Society or Million Dollar Roundtable; members of the National Society and Million Dollar Roundtable are featured in the leadership book with their picture and biography
  • Local Tocqueville Society leaders, along with National Society and Million Dollar Roundtable members, are invited to attend the annual Tocqueville Leaders Weekend
For more information, contact the Monadnock United Way office at 603-352-4209 or visit the Tocqueville website.
Gifts of $5,000 - $9,999 annually 
You have mastered the mountain and by doing so have shown others what is possible by following your lead. Rappelling is a serious sport and human needs are a serious subject. In order to meet the growing needs of our community, leaders give first.
Great Descenders
Gifts of $2,000 - $4,999 annually 
Your determination and commitment have paid off! You have nimbly negotiated obstacles that few have ever overcome. Now you can encourage others along the way to increase the quality of life for everyone in our community.
Trail Blazers
Gifts of $1.500 - $1,999 annually
Only after the passage of many feet does a trail become easy to follow. Someone has to be first to blaze that trail. Though the path is not always clear, you are willing to negotiate the obstacles and find a way to the bottom.
Cliff Hangers
Gifts of $1,000 - $1,499 annually
You have pushed yourself off the cliff where others so often hang back. You are not satisfied with taking the easy way down. You realize that only by letting loose and falling into action can you make a difference.
Leap Leaders
Gifts of $750 - $999 annually
You are already on your way. You have taken the big leap and show your commitment to helping others have a better life. As a result, you have become a true leader, setting an example for others to follow.
Gifts of $500 - $749 annually
You have arrived at the point where you begin to care more for others than for yourself. You are ready to take the rope and venture down the trail only a few special people ever take.