
Monadnock United Way Creates Opportunities for Children

The rates of child abuse and neglect are higher in the Monadnock region than all but three counties in New Hampshire. But we can all do something about it by creating opportunities and investing in, our children.

Monadnock United Way supports — through leadership and funding — collective impact collaborations and community programs that support families and children of all ages in the Monadnock region.

Impact Monadnock, our signature early childhood initiative, harnesses the power of volunteerism, advocacy and collaboration to prepare children ages 0-8 for academic, career and life success. Because the future of the Monadnock region depends on what we do now for our children.

The Framework


Monadnock children live in safe, nurturing, healthy homes and communities.


By investing in our children, our region’s young children (0-5), school-age children (6-17) and transition-age youth (18-24) will be safe, healthy and resilient.


How will we make this happen?

  • Address basic needs that support children’s success
  • Equip community members to recognize and respond appropriately to at-risk kids and families
  • Connect at-risk youth/families to high quality, appropriate, coordinated supports and services
  • Improve community climate for children and families


Give: All contributions made to MUW stay local. Click here to learn about the different ways you can give.

Advocate: There are numerous ways to advocate for issues related to financial stability. Visit our advocacy page to learn how to stay informed, speak out and engage your community.

Volunteer: Contact us to see how you can help make sure our children have what they need to succeed in life, and consider working with our Impact Monadnock team, which leads MUW's signature early childhood impact initiative.