About Us - Monadnock United Way

colorful hands in a circle monadnock united way keene nh

Harnessing the Caring Power of Community

Monadnock United Way in Keene NH has harnessed the caring power of community to improve lives throughout our Region since 1952 bringing together people from all sectors of the Monadnock Region to address the most challenging issues we face. We believe that by working together, we can strengthen all the communities in our region.

Our Vision

A United community where all are cared for and thriving.

Our Mission

Monadnock United Way is dedicated to improving lives by mobilizing diverse partners and investing in programs and people to create long-lasting, measurable change.

Our Values

Collaborative: We arrive as equal partners, committed to doing good, especially when it’s hard.

Transparent: We are truthful and honest with ourselves and with the community.

Sustainable: We choose paths that strengthen our community now and into the future.

Respectful: We are considerate of others’ opinions, position, background, and experience.

Trust: We center our relationships and actions on openness and honesty. It is the lens for all we do.

Monadnock United Way Creates Opportunities for Children, Education, and Financial Stability

The problems challenging us are complex; they are issues that no single organization or individual can solve:

group of cheerful children


  • We have the third-highest rate of child abuse and neglect in the state

teacher with children


  • Our children score lower than the rest of the state in English and math

family with accountant

Financial Stability

  • One-quarter of our residents are low-income. For the rest of NH the rate is 1 in 5

Real change is possible when the nonprofit, public, and private sectors collaborate. Monadnock United Way and our community partners address these three issues innovatively. Here’s how you can help:

Give: All contributions made to MUW stay local. Click here to learn about the different ways you can give.

Advocate: There are numerous ways to advocate for issues related to financial stability. Visit our advocacy page to learn how to stay informed, speak out, and engage your community.

Volunteer: Contact us to see how you can help our community thrive.  

For more information about Monadnock United Way, visit the following pages:

Board of Directors


Financials and Policies

Strategic Plan

Contact Us