Focus Area: Education
We envision a community where everyone receives an education that enables them to achieve their fullest potential.
- Children are ready to learn by the time they enter school.
- Students are proficient in fundamental areas of learning.
- Community members are prepared to embark on post-secondary pursuits.
- From NH Kids Count: Proficiency in reading by the end of third grade is crucial to a child's educational development. In the early years, learning to read is a critical component of education. But beginning in fourth grade, children use reading to learn other subjects, so mastery of reading becomes a critical component in their ability to keep up academically. Children who reach fourth grade without being able to read proficiently are more likely to drop out of high school, reducing their earnings potential and chances for success.
- According to The Annie E Casey Foundation- Kids Count Data Book -Performance on standardized achievement tests is used as a measure of what students know, a predictor of their future success in education, and a measure of their school’s success in educating them.
- High school graduates have higher earning potential, contribute more to their local economies, are more engaged in their communities, and are more likely to raise kids who also graduate on time.
Children are ready to learn by the time they enter school. MUW measures this goal by tracking the number of schools in our service area scoring at or above proficient in the 4th grade English Language Arts Exam.
2022 Statistics
Historical Statistics
Students are proficient in fundamental areas of learning. MUW measures this goal by tracking the number of schools in our service area scoring at or above proficient in math and reading/language arts on the 11th-grade SATs.
2022 Statistics
Historical Statistics
2022 Statistics
Historical Statistics
Community members are prepared to embark on post-secondary pursuits. MUW measures this goal by tracking the number of schools in our service area with graduation rates at or above the State average
2022 Statistics
Historical Statistics
Source: New Hampshire Department of Education