The Monadnock Alliance for Families (MAF) is a collaborative backed by Impact Monadnock. The group resulted from the merger of the Monadnock Home Visiting Alliance (MHVA) and the Monadnock Parenting Education Collective. The Alliance is composed of Healthy Starts at Home Healthcare Hospice & Community Services (HCS); The Grapevine Family and Community Resource Center; Monadnock Family Services (MFS); Rise for baby and family; and The River Center Family and Community Resource Center.
The Alliance is implementing a unique model that involves bringing each of their respective networks and resources together in pursuit of a common goal. The vision of the Alliance is that all families in the Monadnock Region have access to high-quality services that strengthen parenting and promote optimal child development. To meet that vision, the agencies are collaborating to:
- Increase the number of families accessing services in the region through a shared outreach coordinator
- Improve the quality of the services through shared professional development goals for home visitors
- Prevent child abuse and neglect by implementing the Strengthening Families Protective Factors into all aspects of their work