Teaming Up for Tomorrow

Campaign Goal - $1,484,000

No matter the challenge, Monadnock United Way in Keene NH takes a comprehensive approach and community roots mean we can find a way forward. We’re here to strengthen communities every day, advancing financial security and providing opportunities for young people. Together with local and global communities, we’re building a future where everyone, everywhere, can thrive.

When people come together for good, we are greater. That’s why we partner with people and nonprofits across the community to address issues at every level, from ensuring that people have enough to eat, and a place to sleep and that children have access to quality, affordable daycare.

Let’s take action together, so all of us can rise.

Why it matters

Too many of our neighbors face hardship:

  • We still have the third-highest rate of child maltreatment in the state
  • 9.9% of our residents live at or below the federal poverty level
  • 14.9% of our residents face housing instability

Watch this video to hear how our community is responding to the housings and childcare crises' in the Monadnock Region.

mark and sally

Click here to see how your donation creates opportunity.

It Takes a Village - Amber's Story

MCVP Answers Nancy's Call 

The Monadnock Region Afterschool Collective Makes a Difference

Amy's Story

Sandy and Robin's Story

Carter's Inspiring Story

SCS Oral Health Program

Monadnock Alliance For Families


Create opportunities in your community by donating today!


Text: MUW to 41444   

Payroll deduction: See your HR dept

Mail: MUW, 23 Center Street, Keene, NH 03431

Open your camera and hover over this QR code to open the online giving form

QR Code 2022

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