At Monadnock United Way, we believe in the caring power of community. We work every day to support children, improve educational outcomes, and help people facing financial challenges. We raise funds and provide professional support to local nonprofit agencies and initiatives so they can work together to address some of our community’s most pressing problems. We bring everyone to the table so we can ALL be a part of the solution.
We do this work because we know that:
- Healthy children who live in a nurturing home, school and community environment are more likely to achieve academic success and seek career opportunities that contribute to economic growth.
- High school graduates have higher earning potential, contribute more to their local economies, are more engaged in their communities and are more likely to raise kids who also graduate on time.
Financially stable individuals and families have the financial resources needed to live healthy, happy, and productive lives.
Please read Community Impact Report 2022 for a glimpse into the work of MUW and its partners.