Strategic Plan 2023-2028

In late 2016, MUW launched an innovative Strategic Plan aimed at addressing three foundational factors that influence a community’s well-being: Children, Education and Financial Stability

The plan, rooted in Collective Impact principles, was bold. We promised to harness the caring power of our community in addressing these three focus areas by:

  • Leveraging financial resources and support in and outside of our region

  • Funding high-impact and research-based initiatives

  • Championing diverse collaborations and encouraging innovative practices

  • Advocating for those in need

  • Mobilizing people to get involved

We are proud to say we made great strides, which you’ll see in our five years of Community Impact Reports. In them, you’ll find a treasure trove of community successes, such as:

Each statistic and story represents high-impact, collaborative ventures that bring the community together to advocate and create opportunities across the Monadnock region. And it’s all made possible through the generosity of our annual campaign and over $2.45 million in grants attracted to this region.

Reading the above intro, you might wonder if our Strategic Plan is a look back instead of a look forward. The truth is, it’s BOTH.

The 2023-2028 Strategic Plan celebrates, re-affirms, and expands our commitment to MUW’s bold and impactful direction.

MUW’s plan builds upon our Vision, Mission and Values; recognizes our community’s growing needs; and strives to ensure that voices are heard in an increasingly divided society. We will:

  • Invest in People; creating Models of the Future for equitable staff, board and volunteer  engagement

  • Deepen our commitment to Children, Education and Financial Stability

  • Elevate Community and Culture - Equitably allocating resources, engaging in authentic conversations, and listening to voices throughout our community

As we fulfill MUW’s strategic direction over the next five years, we look forward to working alongside all of you. Together, we will harness the caring power of this community and create opportunities for all to flourish in the Monadnock Region!

Strategic Plan Overview