Stephanie Latini - Grant Funded

Internship and Business Outreach Manager
603.652.4209 x 30

As Internship and Business Outreach Manager, I develop and implement internship opportunities between local colleges and the Monadnock Region Afterschool Collective (MRAC) programs. I also build and strengthen connections between the business community and those afterschool programs to support workforce development opportunities for middle and high school youth.

Before joining MUW, I worked at The River Center in Peterborough educating middle and high schoolers, coordinating the needs of three SAUs, creating and managing programs, and doing outreach with community partners. Before that, I was a college instructor, owned and operated a tutoring business, and worked within the K-12 public school system. I have a master's degree from Columbia University and was a doctoral candidate at the New Jersey Institute of Technology.

I hail originally from New Jersey but have lived in Peterborough since 2018. My boisterous home includes my two red-headed adolescent daughters and professional percussionist partner, Patrick.  I consider myself a people-first person and have a passion for delicious food, creative arts, joyful movement, and lively conversation. I am a published poet, writer of science fiction, and competitive weightlifter. I hold volunteer leadership positions at two schools, one community garden, and one in theater arts.  My dream is to develop a trauma-informed motivational coaching business that prioritizes physical health and artistic expression to uplift individuals, organizations, and communities.

FIRST VOLUNTEER POSITION: My first volunteer position was in 2002 as a high school mentor to at-risk students grades 6-8. Before that, I stuffed my yearly birthday money into envelopes and sent it to Save the Whales.

WORDS I LIVE BY: “It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done.” - Vincent Van Gogh